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Manpreet Singh
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The fast-developing turn of events and advancement in science presents new freedoms along with new difficulties. Realizing that advancement and innovation don’t naturally profit all individuals, the UN Women has included development as one of the “drivers of progress” in its Strategic Plan 2018–2021, so that the tool of technology can be used as a bridge to fill the gender divide. This proposes some of UN Women’s ideas and practices around advancement that could speed up gender orientation uniformity and some strengthening. The accomplishment of the aggressive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), prominently genders equality and women strengthening, requires groundbreaking movements, coordinated methodologies, and new arrangements. In light of current directions, existing strategies won’t get the job done to accomplish a gender-equal 50-50 by 2030. Creative methodologies that disturb “the same old thing” are key to conveying the SDGs for all. Innovation in technology provides a huge opportunity that can break trends and reach those who are the most likely to be left as minorities. We should focus on developing markets for innovations, that will advance gender equality. It can be done by integrating gender issues and promoting women as the innovators of the new world. By investing directly in technical-driven innovation, solutions should meet the needs of women and girls.
By technical innovations such as the use of smartphones, we can equip our girls with more tools to make them independent. New courses such as data mining, web development, etc can use them to make them more skillful. These technical advances can also be used to make them safer in the time of emergency.
The whole plane and idea need a huge political will in order to push that patriarchal boundary, which many in power are very sensitive about. These technical tools are so abundant that we can easily make a worthy difference in society.