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anshika agarwal
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There are alot of obstacles to girls education. According to a research, globally there are 130 million girls who are not currently enrolled in school. There is a need to uplift the condition of girls in the field of Education. Enrolling girls in school supports economic growth and promotes peace. Poverty is one of the most important factor that determines whether a girl can have education or not. In regions where parents don’t have to pay school fees but it is difficult to cope up with the costs of transportation and textbooks. Parent’s don’t let their girls go to school and even forcefully do child marriage of girls. Due to which they experience early pregnancies, malnourishment and domestic violence. Menstruation in girls is also an obstacle to their education. Girls start skipping schools due to their menstruating days. Some girls don’t have enough sanitary products. Girls are forced to do household chores which results in lack of education. Gender based violence including physical and sexual abuse. It results in lowering their participation and increases absenteeism and dropout rates in education field. One problem is human trafficking and girls are the major victim of this. Traffickers exploit girls for forced labor and marriage. This can overcome by maximizing the impact. Government and organizations should focus on regularly checking that girls are in the schools or not. They have to increase enrollment and make sure they stay their on long term basis. By educating the communities about education in girl’s life it can help in overcoming the obstacles. Girl’s education must be taken as an important factor in the society.