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Today, a number of skill development programmes have been run through the country for the youngsters, one of these skills include coding, it has been in talks since a few months and coding is now being considered as an interesting and important skills among all.
Significantly, our society believes that technical skills like coding are made for men, but in this changing era people have been trying to make a change for women around the globe by making their daughters learn coding.
There exists a number of organisations that help women in teaching coding in this patriarchal society. Let’s discuss a few of those organisations:
1. Ada developers academy: Situated in washington, this academy provides 24 weeks of intensive in class instruction followed by 5 weeks of internship for free.
2. Girls who code: Founded by Reshma Saujani in 2012, Girls Who Code is an NPO that works hard to support and increase the number of women in computer science
3. Women who code: Women Who Code is a nonprofit organization that wants to inspire women to excel in a number of technological careers.
They offer their members coding resources, leadership opportunities, a global supporting community and spectacular scholarships. Not only that, WWC offers a series of events, and a wide category of job offers for their members.
4. She codes: Founded in 2013 by Ruth Polachek, she codes; is a community of women in technology, created to achieve an equal number of female and male software developers.
Their members are either women who want to have a career shift into high-tech through the learning of software development, or current developers that want to improve their skills and have a bigger network.