Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy The sexism of swear words. ( A large portion of swear words are misogynistic) Reply To: The sexism of swear words. ( A large portion of swear words are misogynistic)

Manpreet Singh
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Cussing or swearing has, sadly, been an integral part of our culture. While we use it to basically show our anger or displeasure, but we tend to use certain word that are related to sex, religion, region etc in order to make other feel ashamed, a kind of psychological warfare. Cussing or swearing is not a bad thing, it is a part of our emotion related to anger, and it is a way to express it. What makes it problematic is when we start using such words, which disparage a particular sex. In this case, females have been a constant center of attack. We associate cussing, by involving females, as a mean to assain the respect and dignity of the person who we are saying to. But in reality, we are disrespecting the whole female community. It is really saddening to see that in 2021, we are still going on by the archaic practices
The whole idea of using females or woman by using women special cuss words originates from the old age customs and social factors, that regarded females as the property of males, a prized property upon which the males have a huge pride and ego factor riding on. So by disrespecting the prized possession, one basically attacks the ego of a person. By using female cuss words, we are also fueling the age old custom whic mandates that a man is muscular and should be strong and powerful. Cussing involving female words tries to mock males as femine and weak. They whole idea is so skewed that we are disrespecting the whole female community and are just leaving them to a mete comodity.
We have moved well into the 21st century and are aiming towards equality. These feudal terms and associating the females as a comodity of man should be stopped. We need to learn that these practices are not helping the spread of equality. We need to realise that in modern terms, we have to leave behind such disgusting practices