Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Are we moving towards a gender-neutral kitchen? Reply To: Are we moving towards a gender-neutral kitchen?

anshika agarwal
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Household chores are gender neutral. They can be done by any gender. Parents should teach their children how to do household chores at least basic ones regardless of their gender in their childhood. So that they can adopt that habit in their daily life and be a part of gender neutral society.
Women do a lot of kitchen works. Almost 95% households has women working in the kitchen. Then why there are less number of women chefs in our society. In today’s era when women needs gender neutrality and want to have an equal status in the society, men are moving towards kitchen. In some houses men have started helping their wives and mothers in the kitchen. But the rate of men working in the kitchen is quite less than women. Cooking is an art which can perform by any gender. The most common dialogue we heard is the the way towards men’s heart goes through his stomach, the way towards women’s heart cna also go through her stomach. So, men’s cook for women. According to the National Time Use Survey released by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development the average Indian man spends an average of 19 minutes per day on housework while the Indian woman spends 298 minutes. Why there is such a big difference? The stereotypes of women working in the kitchen can only be broken by getting more boys to learn kitchen works and work their like girls does with whole heartedly. It is the only way of reducing gender difference in the kitchen.
With the passage of time society needs change. Society is changing but needs to change more. Gender neutral kitchens are the need of today’s society.