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Women do not need reservations or quotas to make them stand in the society, they’re capable of making their ways out of it. All a woman needs is a non-restrictive society that allows her to stand upon her feet and let her stand up even after she falls.
Reservations and quotas do not provide equality to women, but an they’re an indication that they’re weak.
This society has not respected anyone other than men, but now is the time where a woman needs to be respected as equally as men, reservations won’t provide them the equality they deserve but the urge to treat them equally would. Providing reservations to women is unfair to other parts of the society. They need to be appreciated based upon their hardwork and efficiency. Though, women from backward families could be provided with quotas and reservations because of the burden of the responsibilities that they already hold but women are capable enough for standing up for themselves. Reservations, if exist should not be the one considering women fragile. They belong to the women as a reward for their extraordinary hardwork and skills.