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Shumaila Siddiqui
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Woman are now capable of doing everything And choosing everything. It’s only about the perspective and the way the woman has grown up to take up the employment. People have made some boundaries for woman that they are only good at nursing, teaching basically a work which is more of a caretaker. Society has assumed a lot of perceptions towards women that they can’t do paperwork or handling business or becoming CEO or on a larger perspective to do an army job or to be pilots ,etc.
I think women not taking up challenging employment as their career is because of several agenda proposed by our society. Pay disparity, gender baseness and Patriarchal based employments are some reasons for women to step back from their dream job.
According to the reports of the NSSO data (2011-12) most of the women willingly choose employment in the primary sector such as agriculture and farm work. In a manufacturing sector women are seen to be employed in less paid, normal,work from home or without pay work in a enterprise held by family run. Looking at the tertiary sector ,women are found in large numbers in retail trade, education-based work and domestic household work with salary. Above sectors give women the convenience to make their unpaid and looking after responsibilities with their paid work.
The scenario only suggests that. Women are forced to take employment below their skills and talent due to the undue demands and pressures society puts them into. There need to be more encouragement and women taking up varied employments to set an example for other women’s.
Women are a tribe of strong, powerful and opinionated creatures who are born to shine and not to shrink their skills just for the pity reasons.
Women stand up for the right and wrong and make your own success journey path.