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Mental illness is never taken seriously in our culture, people think of it as a phase that will pass with time, They never think of it as a real illness. The problem of mental illness starts from the bottom, where people tell their children to control their emotions, boys are asked not to cry whereas girls are asked not be too expressive. This is where the problem of mental illness begin, people think if they’ll start to talk about how they feel, they’ll be judged, they’ll be made fun of their feelings, they’ll be considered weak.
People in this community have a problem of being too judgemental, comparing it to themselves. No, they don’t help, they make it worse.
Alot of people are scared to speak up about their emotions because of the fear of being judged, nobody, even their families tries to understand how they feel. Mental illness is way too much more than just crying and sobbing, it eats you inside, constant overthinking, pulling whole nights with tears in the eyes, feeling it all too much but never saying it etc. whoever feels it, it is the worst feeling of remorse where they constantly get suicidal thoughts and no will to live. But people on the other hand think that it happens to everyone, they’ll pass that phase too.
When it’s about mental illness when a mentally ill person wants to share his/her thoughts with you, the one best thing you can do is listen to them, without any judgements, tell them they are allowed to talk to you, make them feel comfortable around you. Make this world a better place by not considering mental illness a taboo, but a serious bad condition that can eat a person.