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anshika agarwal
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Every year in June the world celebrates Pride month dedicated to the LGBTQ community and their right to live a dignified life. Pride month is all about people coming together to show and celebrate how far gay rights have come and how much is still left to achieve.
From 1969 LGBTQ folks and allies have been fighting hard to give their community the right to marry, to adopt children, to start families, to fight discrimination etc. Pride month is related to equality, teaching acceptance, education in LGBTQ community and above all its about love. There are usually colourful parades, concerts and marches across the world in this month. However, due to Covid-19 pandemic many will celebrate it online. In this month people educate others about how damaging homophobia is and why they need to get rid of it. It’s all about being proud of who you are no matter who you love whether in the opposite gender or in the same gender. In society debates about same-sex marriage is full of political noise and taken as a distraction from other important issues.
While we acknowledge the progress we’ve made till now we also need to be more realistic and remember that we still have a long way to go. Here’s hoping that the world will soon accept love and lovers without any gender discrimination.