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Brides are ‘given away’ this word clearly states that women are treated as property or a thing and when a time comes i.e., during marriages they are given away, does it really mean that women or girls don’t have their own individuality? It is often said to girls at their home that this is not your house and family because you have to be with someone and they will be your family, but it’s the most traditional thought.
During marriages, they are given away and this is so-called because while marrying someone parents are handing over their daughters to other and then they don’t hold their right over their daughters, this is common and very laidback thinking of society. Just like dowry and other gifts which are taken and given, girls are also treated as a ‘part’ of marriage ceremony but in real terms, they are not a part because they are ‘whole’ of which marriage is made, it makes female hurt a lot when whole her life, she was attached to them and all of sudden are said that you will be given to that family or like that.
Many things she is already sacrificing and if her parents treat her as a given-away thing, then her individuality is gone. If marriage is a celebration of the best thing about two people and for two people then it should be done as in that celebratory way and with good thought which makes her happy too.
Brides should not be considered as giving and take away things but as important people of the marriage. And most importantly we should change our perceptions and thoughts and make others understand that marriage should be made a happy and memorable day by giving her importance and respect.