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Expressing your emotions, crying, getting angry are the basics of a human being, women are no less emotional than men, it’s the matter of fact that, men are taught not to cry, men are never expected to cry at anything, instead they’re taught to be tough, whereas women are expected to be sensitive and emotional. men are emotional too, they’re just so used to not showing their emotions. God has given everyone an equal amount of dopamine, to control emotions.
Expressing your emotions should not be considered as an act of weakness neither for women nor men. Expressing up your emotions is a strong act, not everyone is able to do. Crying is not a sign of weakness but strength.
Boys and girls should be allowed to feel emotional at any point of the day, we’ve often heard the phrases “boys don’t cry”, “you’re not a girl for you’re crying”, actually it should be “it’s okay to cry”, “boys too should vent out their feelings”.
Boys being emotional should not become a big deal, it is normal and should be treated as normal. Restricting someone’s emotions is the worst thing we could do as humans and the world is no short of demons upon. The first step in spreading happiness includes pouring out the sadness, emotional pain within.