Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice Can it be acknowledged that – generally speaking – men are better at some things than woman, and vice versa? Reply To: Can it be acknowledged that – generally speaking – men are better at some things than woman, and vice versa?

simran arora
Not Helpful

The old theory talks about men having the advantage of being physically strong than women. It is an absurd and sexist remark, yet the world agrees with it. I think the statement mentioned above is incorrect. I believe if you dare to work beyond the societal stereotypes, you should move forward and achieve your dreams.

This statement was another way of maintaining the society-inspired roles. What one must acknowledge is that no sex is better than the other. Being comparative at work is a growth development task which is also healthy for the work environment. However, considering the same statement and using it as a sexist comment is wrong.

There is one thing about abilities that while one may be good in sports, the other may not perform the same in that particular field. Perhaps, in any field, women and men can perform better or worse as per their ability. Also, it is essential to remember that comparison is not a key to boost growth in any field. If you have to put up a competition, put it against yourself. Not being dramatic, but it’s true.

Lastly, women can be as good as men in sports, and men can be as good as women in performing household duties. Thereby, there is no comparison between the two as what matters is the performance and not gender biases.