Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice Can it be acknowledged that – generally speaking – men are better at some things than woman, and vice versa? Reply To: Can it be acknowledged that – generally speaking – men are better at some things than woman, and vice versa?

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Everyone has their own skills and talents in which they’re good at, some men are good at cooking and some women are good in sports, it has nothing related to the gender. Generally women are assumed to be a good at cooking and
cleaning whereas men are assumed to be good at sports. This is a myth, everyone has their own unique qualities, most of times we’ve seen men as chefs in hotels, restraunts etc. Whereas women today are often seen at shooting, fighting and sporting in the country, gender is not a barrier to their skills today. mary kom, a famous gold medal boxer has made the country proud by her boxing skills and talent, sanjeev kapoor, an excellent chef makes the country proud with his cooking skills, if such people would’ve stopped following their dreams because of their gender then they wouldn’t have been known on an international level. Gender shouldn’t be a barrier between the dreams and skills.