Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Safety and Security How much it is safe for women to travel through public transport? Reply To: How much it is safe for women to travel through public transport?

Vivek Adatia
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“Dear, please cover yourself properly and then step outside the house.”
A sentence that a girl has to hear thousands of times in her life. Why?
Are we, as a society, that unsafe and untrustworthy?
Be it any public transport, women are still mistreated. There are always a few people who stare at them and make them uncomfortable or teach them “sanskar” if not fully covered.
We all know about the famous Nirbhaya case, she too was raped in a public transport. And like her, many girls go through this but fail to talk about it. And the only reason behind their silence is us, we as humans fail to understand each other. People don’t have the sense to talk also, they scream at women and neglect them.
They sit beside them, touch them and make them uncomfortable. Why are we so ignorant of the fact that women are humans too, they have all the rights to live a safe and independent life where they are not judged on the basis of what they wear or how they walk?
There are many human rights groups and feminists, who have talked about this issue but if we won’t change the way we all think, there is no way we can find a solution.
There are laws made, there are guidelines formed but are we all following them? The answer is no, because no matter how many laws and guidelines are formed, if we won’t do anything, nothing will change.

So, if we want women to be safe and secure while traveling in public transport, we will have to show some courage and speak up when we witness it, we will have to stand with women and support them when they are right. To make this world a better place to live, firstly,we will have to make it safe and secure.