Shumaila Siddiqui
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Just like other fields women are represented in less number and their participation is often neglected. Definitely, woman’s should be in politics and parliaments in a number of positions. Women have contributed their vote from the time elections has started, and they have the right to stand and voice their opinion in parliament
Undoubtedly, women are more keen in voting, going to public offices and political parties at smaller reach more than men. In India’s general elections, women participation in voting is high rather than men. In terms of representation of women in parliament of India, it has 20th rank which is counted from bottom.
We talk about the gender equality everywhere and trying to implement in every sector possible but Indian constitution has enshrined the equality. We have some great history on women participation in Indian constitution, still we are hesitant to welcome and uplift women in position of power and leadership.
However, as we are moving forward in a society, we are still witnessing fewer involvement and participation of women in politics.
In 1996 September 12 a bill was launched in Lok-Sabha that a 1/3rd seat in parliament and state legislature for women, drafted by H.D.Deve Gowda lead united front government, Due to some political issue a bill was not passed. Yet a number of efforts and action has been implemented towards the establishment of women in politics from the time of independence, yet we are lacking to reach the goal of equality in politics gender wise.
What efforts need to be taken?
Reservation plays an important role to make women participate more in politics but impactful positive warrant society which pops out the gender equality by providing more access, chances and availability of resources with the same extent are very important.
By having more and more awareness and liberation in decision-making process we can see a transition of changes in politics and parliaments.
Make a rule for liberation of women so that they can work more independently and not under anyone’s command and pressure.