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Shubhangini Shaktawat
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Women in combat roles
While working towards achieving advancement, or rather equality between men and women, one large accolade was the grant for women to join the combat roles. I strongly and fully support the first proposition here. When the services are protecting a nation of not only men, but also women, then why should women not be allowed to give their contribution in it? All women want, is to be treated equally to any other gender, with respect. In the field of defense, no one can be differentiated on the basis of gender or sexuality. This is absolutely unfair. Man, or woman, officer remains an officer, and they both render their service to the nation in a considerably equalized manner.
Nobody here is asking for admitting each and every candidate as an officer into the forces, but at least those who deserve to be there, serving the nation, in whichever way possible, should be treated fairly and not be deprived of their rights by unfair means or gender discrimination. Those female aspirants who fit in the criteria of combat roles by physical and mental strength in all it’s true sense, should be not only admitted, but also promoted once its time. On one hand, countries like North Korea and Israel have it mandatory for women to serve in the military, and on the other hand we see the media and others are seen defaming women and questioning their ability and aptitude.
It is very often that we get to hear the news of female officers in different combat roles doing things one could never expect from a woman. This is the whole beauty of it. Just because one thinks the rival nation might hold our female officers hostage and do things to them that are naturally inhumane and unacceptably unethical, it doesn’t mean we can curb somebody’s thoughts or wishes to serve one’s nation and be remembered for it. Now that woman have finally had themselves granted their rights to serve the nation and work in combat roles, we will surely see a number of them doing wonders for the nation like how we have heard of it very often. From fighting fighter pilots and doing sorties over terrorist camps or enemy bunkers, to supplying supplies in the times of need to the frontline warriors and putting their own lives in danger to save our people in times of natural calamities, women have proved to be a strong and efficient part of the combat forces, and they will always remain to be the same.
A woman myself,
Shubhangini Shaktawat