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simran arora
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Yes, in many cases, society discriminates against a woman with adopted children. It is more disheartening to witness that people’s disapproval of questioning a mother’s choice not to give birth but adopt the children. Again, it is necessary to have children after marriage. Even if a woman does not have a child after marriage, society judges her, and this judgment continues to adopted children.

Society’s disapproval of adopted children leads to stereotypical ideas of continuing a family’s name. Anyhow, a family name will go forward with adoption too. If a woman wants a child to settle in life with adoption, it should be her choice. There is no wrong in any action as far as the mother and the child are happy with each other.

A woman’s choice to adopt children could be anything like infertility or the choice of not giving birth. If we discuss the population in India, we have the second-largest population in the world. What worst things can happen if one chooses to adopt a few children and benefits society. Sadly, we don’t view it from this perspective. Many children are born and die without any family love. No one looks after this, and when a woman finally does, society judges her.

Even when a woman chooses to adopt a child without marriage, society judges her as a single mother and sympathizes with a negative outlook. It is easy to conclude the identity of a woman even if she intended to do good. We are far behind the idea of acceptance in terms of adoption and choosing not to give birth.