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The primary answer will be education, of course. ‘Padega India tabhi to badega India’.
But now if I’ll ask that we’ve already taken measures to educate our girl child. And fortunately a large number of children from even rural areas are attending schools , thanks to government policies. But is that so, then why after so many years still our girls are not aware of their rights?
Let me answer it, there’s not only problem of being uneducated. The problem is what we are teaching isn’t enough.
There’s a lot of stereotypes phenomenal, going on and on at their home, society. We all know that television take a huge part of children’s time nowadays. There’s various cartoons, animations which are not bad at all. But remember, they are telecasting a lot of channel in their tv and it takes approx 0.5 second for a child to change the channel.Some of it contains some harmful effects, ok not maybe violence but we all know that there’s stereotypical entertainment programs and advertising which indirectly imprint those same morals leading our children mind to portrait some character which can be suppressed, dominated eeasily and called a perfect woman or a perfect wife by our society.
What I am getting at that in the same society full of stereotypes supporting women exploitation directly or indirectly, only teaching ABCD isn’t going to achieve anything about awareness of women rights.
If we want to make it happen, we must alter our school syllabus, we need more inspiring female characters and their stories in our text book. We should first teach them about the illness of our society, why is it wrong and what we should do to stop it. With those, we should teach our students the rights we have, according to our parliament.
And last but not the least, women self defense classes should be more likely to perform than only an awarness. Cause being physically strong will lead to be mentally strong
And to the females, who are entering the world in various locations, they should try to be inspiration and not to hold back about their rights to break that stereotype chain. Cause we must be the one who will lead next generation to the society having gender equality.