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Women empowerment is a long journey that we have to travel and still need to go far away to achieve that dream. Women empowerment is protecting and promoting self-dignity, making choices, and changing the wrong behavior of society. Women are capable of doing anything if she makes her mind, but women live in fear of society that if she goes against social norms and beliefs then society will ill-treat her, there she loses confidence. But there are some women who have come forward and they are on their way to become independent and stand on their own legs by running small businesses, doing social works to educating other people. But there is still fear in women of getting raped and assaulted, she steps back, our government needs to support women to come forward raise their voices about problems they are facing and things they want for support. Nowadays women are independent but they don’t still get equal pay and opportunities like men, there is still a problem with gender discrimination. Women do not get promoted easily no matter how she had worked for it, just because she is women this discourage the morale of women. the good thing is women is not giving up easily. women have made a positive change like the establishment of the law of triple talaq, winning Nirbhaya case, buy raising money for support small business, starting the battle of feminism, raising their voice against the violence.
The key to empowerment is education. By providing education, educated women can pursue their dreams and do the work that contributes to our economy also can give a healthy life and happiness to the children. The main problem is in rural areas their still ritual of child marriage continues it should be stopped we have to a make effort for stopping this, parents should make their daughter independent first and then ask for marriage this will help her in future .our country needs more female entrepreneur, doctor, teachers, and achievements in sports. Women can do this they just have to believe in themselves. # girl power.