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Self-defense is a wider term that includes
Physical i.e., use of physical force to counter a threat of violence. They can be armed, where the use of a variety of weapons are used in self-defense. Everyday objects used by women for self-defense can be hair sprays, cans, lighter, pepper sprays, etc. Unarmed self-defense includes martial arts. Verbal self-defense is using words to prevent, or end an assault.
Self-defense is of utmost importance in the kind of world we live in today. Women usually referred to as the weaker sex, are considered easier targets. In a country like India where the cases of gender violence are rising, out of which many go unreported, self-defense for women has become a necessity more than ever.
Self-defense is a vital part of any woman, be it in any place or any situation. This education must be given right from their early age. Women’s safety is in their hands, whether how much ever can someone does but what you yourself can do no one can do it for you that effectively. There is a very much need for defense techniques to be known and learned by every woman whether it’s a small girl or an adult woman. It has to be made mandatory for girls to learn any form of self-defense techniques like judo, martial arts, a basic defensive technique so that safety and protection lie in their hands.
Many are cases where a girl can’t defend herself because she is not confident or she thinks that defending is not her skill, but it’s a myth that women can’t defend themselves, the reality is women can only defend themselves more accurately and effectively. The women should be aware of the strategies to be adopted under different adverse circumstances. For e.g., if at home such an attack happens then you can use chili powder or any utensil or rolling pin.
There are institutions that develop awareness for self-defense among women. Many of them take initiative and organize workshops, roadshows, demonstrations to bring awareness among women. So, we can conclude that self-defense is a must in today’s times where each day women have to face unwanted situations and to protect themselves, and to do so they need to learn.