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Gone are the days when women used to sit at home and were responsible for the household work, whereas men used to go out to earn money, party with their friends and do whatever they wanted to do. Today’s generation is a capable one to fight for their dreams and stand upon their feet. They don’t care about what people would say if women stepped out of their houses. Women today are getting educated as much as they want and are chasing their dreams without any fear. The days of compromising your dreams because of the society are so far gone because now are the days when nobody actually cares about what people would say, as people would not get you their house when you’ll be homeless, people would not give you food when you’ll be hungry, hence people do not have the right to control our lives. When it comes to fulfilling our desires, our dreams, it is us who can stand for our future, and in the end when we’ll earn the life of our dreams, the same people would appreciate you for being such a strong woman.