Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Women Exploitation in Modern Society

37 replies, 35 voices Last updated by Manpreet Singh 2 years, 8 months ago
  • Dharani Sri
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    We all know the statement “change is the only permanent thing”. It is a universal truth but not in the case of women. Since ancient period women are exploited in all the fields of life. Starting from female infanticide to legal rape. In the ancient days, people worshipped only the god and not goddess. They also practiced the same in the later period of their lives. They thought that the female is weaker sex and they are not productive in their socio-economic life. In the present days the sex selective abortion is happening everywhere. Although it is an illegal, still it is happening in a developing country like India. Female infanticide is also a common issue in a developing nation. If a girl is born, her childhood will be dreadful. She will be ignored and not given equal priority. They remain isolated. And at the later stages of their childhood days, they are used as a labor. They also victimized in the case of child abuse and child trafficking. At their maturity stage, they are often abused or compelled to child marriage. They are lack of education and spend their lives in the kitchen. They are often victimized for sexual harassment. After marriage they are tortured both physically and mentally. In most of the cases women are used only as reproductive machine. As same as their childhood, they remain isolated and mentally depressed. They are raped by their husband. These cases are not noticed by the society. They also remain helpless when they lost their sexual beauty and reproducing capacity. Homicide is the most common content in daily newspapers. Most the cases are not even noticed by the media. In India we say that women are independent. But according to me, it is the biggest lie. Not only in India, in many countries gender equality remains an unfulfilled goal. The next big problem in this millennium is DOWRY. Still there are cases filed in the police station, but the death rate due to dowry doesn’t decrease. Practices of dowry tend to subordinate women in the society. Another big issue is gang rape. The women are victimized and they are not given justice in most of the cases. Because of these incidents, most of the women are afraid to step out of their homes. They are being abused by the neighbors, relatives, friends, and unknown people. These crimes need to be ended and cannot be tolerated. The status of women is positively talked in most of the digital platforms, but in reality, still they are struggling for their dignity and shouting for their problems. The death rate of women due to dowry, harassment, eve-teasing and of being abused are increasing. Crimes against women should be punished in this digital era. In this era, every woman should get education to solve the problems in any circumstances. Education is a weapon to change the world. In the case of gang rapes, the court should punish those animals in a cruel way. They should get fear even before thinking a woman in a wrong way.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Dharani Sri.
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    Exploitation is selflessly taking advantage of someone or group of people. And exploitation consist of all may it be for humans, nature or any nonliving things.
    Women exploitation was the major issue faced by women in ancient times, medieval era and still one of issue which has no end. During that era, women were recognized only as wives and mothers and in today’s modern world they are treated and recognized more than that in every term, but exploiting still continues.
    Women’s position and their respect is done and given but they are still struggling for their own identity, and to make place for themselves. Exploitation starts from home and continues till workplace. At family level dowry, domestic violence, discrimination, etc. and outside family, it includes sexual assault, rape, eve teasing, etc. During the ancient times, they had to just do everything for family only and now a woman handles both family and work but still has not much importance of her own.
    Sometimes raising voice for themselves makes them fear of being assaulted and then they have to tolerate that exploitation and then again, they have to be quiet just because they are women. They are exploited not only sexually but mentally, physically, socially, emotionally too. Living in so modern world where modernity and western culture is practiced but the exploitation is still the same and fear and insecurity of women’s is each day alarming. Sometimes they are also treated selfish or narcissist when the choose their happiness or career over any other things.
    Each day there’s an exploitation in someway or the other like; if a girl speaks too much, she’s talkative and taught not to speak too much; when wife earns more than his husband then she is treated like she doesn’t respect his husband and chooses her career over family; girls are also said that choose a career which doesn’t make you do more work because you can’t do it as precisely as men, so in many cases the capability of women is judged just because she does what she feels best for her.
    Wearing anything she wants, speaking up for herself, asking for equality, earning for herself, etc. are all the cases where she is treated as lower than men and less capable to do anything because she’s a women. Many consider that people should do what’s best for their gender like women’s should only manage home and cook and men should work at office and earn for his family, that’s only a biggest exploitation done with women’s.
    It’s said in famous quote by Eleanor Roosevelt as: “A Woman is like a tea bag- you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water”. Just like this can be applied to practice and see how a woman can handle each little thing and every big task simultaneously.
    Some lines which can define how she tolerates and how woman is,
    Beauty in her eyes
    Tolerance in her soul
    She’s a Quiet but also a Rebel
    She’s Fragile and also Wild

    She has Wings and also has Weapons
    After falling each time still she Grows
    Just like a seed grows into a flower.
    She holds a Pen
    But also runs a Home
    Everything just she Gives, but never Asks….
    Changing society day by day has both positive and negative effects on women, positively in a way of modernity, opportunity and equality but negatively, in a way of increasing in crimes against women’s such as assault, rapes, women trafficking, eve teasing and so on.
    There are many acts and articles for women’s safety, so women’s should not tolerate and take step for herself, because by each small step they not only do for them but can inspire other women’s for their betterment and by this way a change can be brought.


    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Modern or ancient, exploitation remains exploitation. The society changes in the timeline, in the view of the people, to keep up with the changing times, as it is the need of the hour. Everything changes, keeping in mind the surroundings. Everything develops. What does not change or develop, is the behavior of the society towards women. What does not change, is that women were exploited back then, when one had to use fire lamps to light up houses, and women remain to be exploited even now, that each city has started to have its own night life with the streets lit up.
    The modern society favors everyone and everything, but women. Where is it even written that a woman should not work in a call center when she is in dire need of money? Where has it been specified that women in their workplace have to adjust more than a man will ever need to? Why do men think that a woman is “asking for it” if she is smoking at a riverside struggling to keep up with the demands and requirements of the society? What is a woman- a divine incarnation of the holy goddess Kali or one’s punching bag? And for who is it to decide?
    If a woman is working as hard as her male counterparts, it is absolutely fair that she be promoted to the same post or position as her male colleagues. If a woman wants to reject a marriage proposal and live by her own rules and achieve her ambitions, she has the right to do so without being frightened of the fact that she might be attacked at, with acid. If a woman wants to work in a nightshift, she must not be doubtful, whether she would be allowed for the same or not. If a woman wishes to live by her means, she has the right to the same, and she will do it.
    Why does the law say that groping a child is not sexual assault until there is ‘skin contact’ or ‘sexual intent?’ For what other purpose would somebody try to get their hands on a 6 year old? What our so called ‘modern society’ needs, is a literally modern mindset and thought process, not only towards modernization, urbanization, advancement of technology and better facilities, but also towards women. Else, this pandemic of “Exploitation of Women” will swallow mankind raw, like Covid-19 did.

    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

    Shumaila Siddiqui
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    Women Exploitation In Modern Society’
    Shumaila Siddiqui
    The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.
    Gloria Steinem
    If we look on the positive side of modern society than, a modern society is a women’s world. We can say clearly that most of the work are being handled by the women in today’s time. Be it at home or at office or any field or industry. They are clearly excelling in every department. But still there is sense of nuisance about being a woman in today’s time. Half of the problems came into limelight because of the social media. The problems associated with the women existed from years but there were only few who actually raise their voices on injustice or the unequal treatment they were being forced to face. Thanks to social media that we are now at least talking about it despite the results or action. It has been a game changer in awaking the so called people who thought women are just a slave and cannot do anything regardless of how much talent she has and the potential she can show whenever required. Women are now working, handling their home along with the husband and a child as well. They were born to be multitalented but it was us the society and humans who oppressed them.
    Women are being treated unjustly from the time humans were created, it got so much of normalcy that it continued till this time. They are being treated badly from their home itself. Often they are held responsible for no reason. Just by putting extra salt in food she is held responsible or sometimes she failed to cook food on time, the list goes on and on. People think that they are a robot who don’t feel any emotions. They keep on commenting, torturing and judging them on every possible reason they find wrong or fussy. A woman at work place is being exploited on the dress she chose to wear. Sometimes the intelligence and the work ethic she possesses are being questioned and even they face the consequences of that because it was way better than her male contemporaries. The threats of being a woman is everywhere but the choice is yours that how you are dealing with them and the surrounding people are making you feel about that.
    A woman are raped, abused, harassed at every age possible because of only the lack of awareness and the upbringing that is being given to the male sections at their home.
    We need to cultivate the idea in our male member of family and friends to give respect and the space of choices a woman needs. The exploitation of women can only be decrease by slowly cultivating the respectful approach towards women in every man out there and by woman standing up on their own and raising their voice to make some noise and bring change.

    Ananya Sharma
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    Exploitation of women in the Modern Society:

    Women in modern society are praised for their self-sacrificing nature, physical and mental endurance as a way to wane their inequitable access to resources.
    Exploitation is the act of selfishly taking advantage of someone. It is an act carried out to take advantage of the victim’s situation and use it for personal benefit. It is an act through which inequality is justified. Inequality is carried out against almost half of the population in the world.
    The year is 2021 and women are still not thought equal enough to be given education, shares in the property, a chance to be able to choose who their partner will be, allowed to have a job in almost every corner of the world.
    Of the six main types of human exploitation, women suffer through most of them on day to day basis.
    Sexual exploitation eroticizes women’s inequality to do almost anything. It objectifies them and hypersexualizes them into being a favored puppet that has no say inanything except what is expected of them. These expectations are forced coercions set by the patriarchal system every social group is a part of.
    As a girl, devoid of any relationship, a woman will be exploited simply because she is a girl, bearing certain child-bearing organs that fulfill the erotic fantasies of men.
    As a daughter, she will be exploited on the fact that she could not be born a boy and is now a financial burden and hence should be taught chores that will remove a need for any help.
    As a wife, she will either be exploited because she a product of child marriage, an arranged marriage, or contractual relationships, inciting exploitations through the right to fulfill sexual needs, take the bloodline forward, come bearing hefty dowry, and act as a maid for the house.
    As a mother, she will be exploited by tasks she has to fulfill, just because she is a mother and has a child that needs her constant care. She will be required to put her needs before the child’s and take care of them without the restrictions of time of the day. Like this picture of a mother that has been making rounds on social media, she is seen cooking and being praised in the act labeling her deed as ‘mother’s love’ when she is on oxygen support!
    In workplaces, she will be exploited by not being given equal pay or posts however much diligently she may work. She will be intimidated by the hostile and humiliating environment of the workplace. She will also have to experience various unwelcome forms of sexual conduct, insinuations, and comments. And to top it off a plethora of unwanted physical contact, that can amount to an assault.
    A woman faces all of these at once or at least one of these on a day-to-day basis.
    There is nothing that can be done to make this right except to teach entire generations after generations that acts like these are unwarranted an act of exploitation that they as humans should not be bestowing on anyone.

    Not Helpful

    Women Exploitation in Modern Society – As soon as I here this phrase all that comes to my mind is Female Infanticide, Child abusement, Sexual harassment, Dowry Demand, Domestic Violence and Acid Cases.
    Why are women pushed into these issues in this society? Though the society is modernized, the problems the women face has not changed.Firstly, the reason behind these issues is that the society we live points out the girl for the problem she faces though the cause behind it is a man. Why are men not accused? I admit people do make mistakes at times. No one can be 100% perfect here. All we have to focus on is the progress we make. But a women is always expected to be perfect and flawless. No one say that it is okay to make errors and they can rectify it. Instead many connect the mistake with her gender and criticize it. They also say Women of this modern society are allowed to study, work, and follow their dreams and passion. But why are women allowed to? The society does not have any rights to allow them or give freedom to them. Every woman is set free already from the day she is born as like each and everyone in this society. Though the society is modernized and developed, we still face rapes and abuse and people blame her dressing. How come rapes and abuses get linked to the outfit she wears? It is the duty of the society to bring in the good deeds and wipe out the bad ones I believe. But they let the bad minded people wander free and wind up trying to alter the girl’s outfit. From six to sixty, every female is being targeted. Though the law give women the rights, it is the people’s narrow mindedness that still points the women. Every women deserves an equal place in this planet as like every other human being. When everyone in the society get on with this, womenhood’s struggle make way to shine, achieve great heights and share happiness all the globe. The only solution to these issues is, we the present generation, should sow the right ideas in the minds of the future generation. Teaching the next generation girls to follow their own path and teaching the boys to treat girls equally can change the present phase. Eagerly waiting to witness the world without any cases of rapes, acid attacks, dowry issues, female infanticides, child abuses and harassments.

    Mayuravarshini Mohana
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    To put it in simple terms, in the modern world woman is overworked and exhausted. While women empowerment has brought her out of the kitchen to pursue a career and financial independence, it doesn’t address her ‘obligated’ return to it post office-hours. An exhaustive day at the office transitions to a pile of dishes at home. Running the household occupies much of her attention, leaving her with little to no time for self-care.

    The dominant narrative surrounding the modern woman is that of a ‘superwoman’, a multitasking Goddess wielding incredible power that magically gives her the strength to motor throughout the day, always at the beck and call of family members. How many times have Mother’s day and Women’s day cards featured the image of a Shakti like woman with multiple hands, each holding a tool for the plethora of duties she is supposed to discharge? (Special mention to the numerous shows glorifying ‘super moms’). Such commemorative occasions are only bold instances of reiterating and reminding what is expected of a woman, in the guise of valorising her contribution. She internalises this idea from a very young age and with this the fruition of an elaborate conspiracy commences. Whenever she finds herself too exhausted to fold clothes, prepare dinner or even wash the dishes, guilt sets in- guilt that she is falling short of her true potential and capability. She becomes her harshest critic. While external oppression through hostile and benevolent sexism conditions her, interferes in her basic rights and her choices in life, the internal conflict has her encumbering herself. It is a profound example of institutionalised manipulation where a woman ‘freely’ chooses to take up round the clock, often unappreciated, care-giving. Exploitation finds its ground in this sense of obligated guilt. That is why even during the pandemic, women’s lives have become all the more arduous where family members, taking advantage of the WFH model, impinge on her office hours to meet their demands. In addition to being overworked at home, the battle with gender pay gap, non-inclusivity, and harassment among many other impediments plague her professional life. The pandemic, especially, has had a disproportionate impact on women with the female job loss rates being astoundingly higher than male job loss rates.

    Heart-wrenching as it is, this is just the tip of a very large iceberg. Exploitation takes place on multiple levels namely physical, sexual, economical and mental. Since the topic focuses on exploitation of women in the modern society, I have touched upon oppressive methods that are recent innovations. To exploit women is to take advantage of them at the expense of their well-being. Most of its methods are traditional and have been carried through time, even to the ‘modern’ present, in the name of culture.

    It is important to remember that the methods and degree of sexist oppression meted out to women are not universal but are influenced by classist, casteist, racist and ableist discrimination. While a woman of an economically stronger class might employ a domestic help to delegate work, the latter still remains subject to exploitation. Intersectionality and inclusivity is the way forward.

    Manpreet Singh
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    In modern Indian countries, the global power is rapidly rising, but the fight to live with dignity continues for half its people, women in all of the country. Women are not safe regardless of background, caste, and education. For many years, women in modern society have been exploited physically, socially, intellectually, and monetarily in numerous spheres in their lives. The media in modern Indian society are very often the main source for both sexual and moral abuse, and many of them remain untapped. There are several reasons. Though the latter is not recent in the history of violence against women, sexual harassment, exploitation of women, their trace can be seen in ancient India. In every area of life, women face issues, including jobs, access to health care, and rights to property. India is growing rapidly, however, women are still discriminated against in India. India’s decreasing gender ratio broadly depicts the discrimination against women at the birth stage. These victims are the victims of crime, rape, abduction, crime related to dowry, abuse, sexual harassment, evacuation, etc. They have been targeted expressly against them. In the patriarchal society of India, it is recognized that the longstanding supremacy of men over women is mainly accountable for the arrest of women’s emancipation. In the family and society, women are trafficked for sex, harassed at work, and tortured. In this study, the viewpoints on women’s exploitation in modern societies in India are being explored. Gang Rape in New Delhi Recent News In December 2012 in a moving bus in New Delhi, a 23-year-old woman was raped by six individuals. The girl was hospitalized for several days and brought for specialized treatment to Singapore.

    The essential need to promote and safeguard women and girls’ security in India is highlighted by ONU Women in India. It would be safe and devoid of violence for every girl and woman to live. These acts must be stopped and violence must not be condoned. We call on political will to be a concrete act and to enforce existing legislation and regulations more effectively. The country’s acute and pitiful scenario for women lies mainly attributed to a lack of well-planned grassroots educational, economic and social programs. Here it should be pointed out that women who are vulnerable by this kind of irresponsibility are forced to distract from the dark road of survival as a consumer product that is abused or exploited sexually. Despite their cries for survival, they can often not win justice to eliminate violence. In most cases. We need communities and people to participate in this shift in attitudes, beliefs, and attitudes. In order to improve and make women’s lives safer and secure we urge Delhi and Indian governments to do everything they can to implement radical reforms, provide justice, and reach robust public services.

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