Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice Our society is becoming more accepting of stay-at-home dads. Reality or illusion?

12 replies, 12 voices Last updated by Mayuravarshini Mohana 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Woospire
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    It is the illusion that a society is becoming more accepting of stay- at -home dads. It is a ancient practice of the society that men should work in office and women should work in home as the time changes people accepted women working in the office but they cannot accept in men to stay at home. And if any man who willingly or with any reason stay at home, society start questioning him what’s the matter why staying at home it doesn’t sound good. Stay-at-home dads are sometimes wrongly portrayed as lazy, clueless, or lacking masculinity. Grandparents and other family members or friends may express negative feelings about children being raised primarily by their father. They may be uncomfortable with this set-up or it may seem counter to their cultural expectations.
    It is the pathetic practice of the society , people are working on this and try to change this practice but the progress is very slow or we can say its null. According to the society so-called norms women is to stay at home , if the woman is working she has to manage both a household work as well as office work. Society never accept changes especially those changes which gives priority ,justice and equality to women and changing mentality towards men .
    The Pew Research Centre survey in 2014 reported that 48% of fathers wished that they could stay at home with the children. But due to the pressure of the society and their judgement we cannot do this or cannot take this step. Only 214,000 men are classified as full-time fathers according to the 2012 U.S. Census Bureau numbers. That’s compared with 10.4 million full-time moms.
    Stay-at-home dads is not a wrong practice . If you man willingly choose this we should support him because we cannot except from a woman only to handle the household work and also concentrate in development of children and if the woman is working so she should also and her office work.

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    Gladly, with the changing era, people are now learning the concept of “choice”. Gradually, a lot of people today are fine with their wives working outside the house and them being at home taking care of children and cooking, alot of them have been enjoying their lives this way without obligations.
    I’ve seen families where a woman works at a 9-5 job and a man works at home for the most time of the day. People seem to be fine with this type of lifestyle. This is a great achievement for the women who’ve faught for their rights through ages and it is a winning moment for them. Though there still exists a lot of families following the myths of men working and women as housemakers but change is a slow process which would eventually lead to a world completely independent for women, it is a reality that today, the society is accepting stay-at-home dads and it is a good start for the female independent world.
    Women are now being taught to stand upon their feet, make their own wealth and many of them do stand upon their words and achieve independence. It is all because of the efforts of feminist women who’ve been fighting for women rights so hard. It is also possible because of the people who’re ready to change their mindset about the world and are trying to create a better world for women.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Most dads have a pretty clear idea and image of what the stay-at-home dad role entails: taking care of the kids, doing housework, organizing those birthday parties, maybe watching the game from time to time, etc. While this may be true for some families, many modern dads come into this role with expectations and/or ideas that involve more than they realize. Because many stay-at-home dads are also taking care of some household business during their day off, there may be expectations on their end about how much they’ll do once arriving at home on that “weekend.” However, an increasing number of men who are taking on this role insist that they do so because they want more family time. The increased presence of stay-at-home dads in the current workforce may be a cultural shift indicating society’s progression toward a more family-oriented mindset.

    Stay-at-home fathers are a growing part of the world population and have a wide array of shared responsibilities and personal lives. Their work environments and child-rearing practices continue to be shaped by society at large as they navigate an unfamiliar world. As a result, they continue to face unique challenges as they balance their personal lives with work-life balance and new roles within their communities. Many stay-at-home dads would like more recognition and financial support from society. They resent being told what to do by others and feel that society should provide a better way for them to care for their families. Some fathers want the right to take certain actions relating to their child’s health and education without consulting others first, such as signing a power of attorney setting forth arrangements for medical care or school transportation.

    Stay-at-home dads are still an uncommon sight. A recent study showed that just over 12% of all fathers had worked outside the home in 1990, compared to just under 19% in 2011. That number has grown, however, and it’s not because more stay-at-home dads are becoming established or successful. It’s because America has become less reliant on work. As more parents juggle children and careers, we’re becoming more interested in nurturing relationships at home than machines domesticating other humans.

    There are many reasons why men decide to become stay-at-home dads. It may be that the man lost his job or hours were cut, or the woman in the family was promoted and now makes more than her husband. It may also have to do with child-rearing choices. Some women who have careers want their children to be around their father for more time. The decision is sometimes made after a couple has already had children because one parent wants to exit the workforce for personal and professional needs in order to provide better care for their children.

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    If we’re taking whole world in consideration, the modern countries, like US, are maybe accepting stay- home-dads steadily. But if we talk about India, where women are the only one who is expected to look after children and household chores, it’s still an illusion. As middle and lower middle class are not only denying, but disgust this idea while not too many upper class people are trying to normalise this fact. In the other hand, people from lower economical background, are forced to work both for the minimum earning. So, we can say there’s not much acceptance at all.
    In our society, parents choose the groom in basis of his income and financial stability and brides are expected to take care of house. It’s a long held behavior going on with generation. A stay-at-home dad can have many issues as well as some comfort too.
    As we can see, our society doesn’t even recognise a less earning man, though for a woman it’s absolutely ok. So how can we expect that our society will think rationally in that case? One common problem such dads have to face is stigmatization from our society. Even their masculinity and work efficiency is questioned too.
    Again it’s a lot embarrassing in our culture for a father to join with another mothers during child care routine. It’s become lonely for a father . Survey says that a man is not likely to accept the situation of leaving earning bucks and sit in front of his children all day. These can even lead to frustration. Sure being a stay home dad can be a man’s choice, but we’re forgetting in what society we’ve brought up. Unsatisfied man ego is one of the biggest issues which come as an obstacle as we’ve usually seen most of the earning father while most of the mothers are housewife. The deep rooted patriarchy in between us condemn us to take such step.
    In the other hand we can see, being a stay-at-home father increase their bonding with the family and children specially. Even you can start pursue your own dreams. You can become the supporting system a family needs.
    So, although it’s a huge path to go for our society to accept it, it’s not a bad idea at all. Changes should began to celebrate the future and our society have to confront it with a clear screen, without any gender-biased perspective.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Even though it’s becoming more and more accepted due to the current pandemic situation, stay-at-home dads often find themselves the target of criticism or judgment. The opinions can make stay-at-home dads feel like outcasts. It can be hard not to feel beaten down, but how well you handle such remarks can help you feel more comfortable in the role. The deep-rooted gender-based norms of the society are making the change regarding the stay at home very hard for the dad, who wants to work at home and join the group of stay-at-home dads.
    There are many benefits of this as most of the women who want to pursue their careers are left behind because they have to look after their families. It will provide an excellent opportunity to increase the equality of women in society. Also with the more flexibility of remote working jobs, the time has not been better ever then for this opportunity to be explored. It will also give a chance for the children to spend more time with their father, it can really boost the family relationship between them.
    Sadly the change is not that easy to get as we think. Bhiwani bus society has moved on and is breaking many boundaries, the gender-based roles still continue to dominate the thinking of people. Even after stepping into the 21st century we are still and saved to the old archaic norms. even if a person wants to switch gender roles and become a full-time stay-at-home dad, society will not let it work peacefully. He has to face criticism and leaves on a daily basis.
    So the time has really come that we should explore this possibility more and get along with the flow. We should really question our gender roles and the use of them in modern times. Time has come when human beings are left to chose their roles outside the social norms.

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    I think it’s still an illusion for our country, but some other countries are adopting this thinking of dad will stay at home doing all the household chores and look after the kids all the duties and responsibilities that women who stay at home do. India is still a developing country, Some classes of society are open to changes and trying to adopt new model changes. The traditional class of society is still stubborn on thought they only think women are the only ones who should take care of the home and kid’s responsibilities. But good thing is that some men are helping their wives in home duties such as cleaning, cooking, and washing utensils, this shows that there is hope that men will be home dads in the future. If people start teaching boys to do household work when they are small they will not discriminate as doing household chores are women’s duties. Few men are accepting this because they want to take care of family, having illness and disease, some people are jobless their wife goes at work they stay at home take care of kids till they get another job. Most of the dad have stereotype thinking that children feel better when they are with moms and they can handle the child more carefully rather than him. even if a man decides to stay at home, they will not get paychecks at end of the month if they have a habit of earning, they will kind of feel stress after doing all things they cannot get any monetary benefit at the end of the month this is depressing for them. The benefits of dad staying at home are child and father bonds get stronger, they can always be available if their child falls sick or faces any accident. Give more attention to their education and see how they are growing up.

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    No. As much as we like to romanticize it, Society still hasn’t accepted the idea of stay-at-home dads. This is challenging gender roles because usually, it is the woman who stays at home and takes care of the children and the house, so nobody finds fault with this. However, 39% of Indians view stay-at-home dads as people who are lesser than men. They think that men should work and be the breadwinners while women should be housewives.
    Although the percentage of stay-at-home dads is less than working dads, the number is increasing by the day. Many fathers want to be better parents to their children and they want to support their partners so they stay at home and take care of the children.
    But isn’t housework work itself? Not only does the parent do the household work but also takes care of the children? It isn’t an easy job to take care of children. Being a parent, especially someone who stays at home is incredibly tough. It requires a lot of hard work. Men realize just how tough women have it when they decide to do their job. It raises the question of just how underappreciated women are for their work.
    It’s not just the men who get criticized and mocked for being stay-at-home dads, it is also the women. They are asked why they aren’t taking care of their children and their parenting skills are judged because they want to continue working.
    What we need to understand is that children need love from both parents. It doesn’t matter who stays at home. What matters is how parents are taking care of their children. Without it, it would be very difficult for the child.
    We admire men for breaking stereotypes but this is what should be expected of men. We do not appreciate stay-at-home moms because we feel it’s their duty, so why isn’t it considered a duty for men as well?
    Society needs to change their ignorant mindsets so that couples will not feel bad about the decisions they made, whether the mother or father chooses to stay at home or not.

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    Obviously, it is illusion in india that dads will stay home and mother’s will do job but it will not happen like such because of society thinking and their mindset towards men and women is not equal they think like men should not stay at home but due to changing generation their are some changes in men they atleast help their in some ways. Both should be equally responsible for their children. In other countries their are dads who accepting to stay at home. Many of them are experience that their level of patience has increased by taking care of children it is positive point towards men. Because of dads stay at home we can see women are working outside. In india men should also experience mother place to see that how they have patience and balance between professional and personal life. But from the old times society thinking is same towards men and women like men should do job and women should stay home and do all the household chores and taking care of children. But think what if women go for job and men will stay at home than society will start judging and commenting on their family. Society should start treating men and women equally if women are taught household work from childhood then same goes with men. In education also men are given priority than women. Why? They should give equal priority to men and women in education due to which women will be independent and can go outside to do job. Men and women both can handle household chores and family together with office work. They should understand and respect each other decision due to which it will esay for both of them to share their responsibility. Society should stop thinking inequality towards men and women.

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    Society is still lagging behind in thoughts and considering things as they have to be, there are some who still go with the assumption that men should not stay at home unless they are on leave because it is their duty to go and work and earn for family and livelihood and women have to stay at home, cook, look after in-laws needs and kids and husband’s requirements.
    If we say that society is becoming more accepting of stay-at-home situations, it’s to some extent an illusion because people have not adopted this to date and because of societies’ so-called traditions and myths about men’s and women’s and their responsibilities according to gender. It can be a reality and to some extent, there are some who have taken these ideas because they also want to equally responsible and liable towards their kids.
    Stay at home is not that they will have that many responsibilities like moms, but they can manage the basic caring and look after their children. There is no awkwardness or inferiority in working from home and looking after home because they will understand what a woman does sacrifice and looks after everything without being getting noticed.
    Stay at home is more of illusion and less of reality, but to make reality happen there’s a need for awareness and initiative to be taken by men with that, thought of people should be broad enough.

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