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There are many women who are doctors, nurses, community Health workers and more. But than also they don’t get chance of the leadership in health due to gender inequality. Women are giving their 100% in their work but than also they are getting compare with men. Why?, we all know that women’s are not getting equal pay like men even after doing equal work than also they don’t get equal opportunities and equal pay. This happen due to gender inequality and gender discrimination. Women do hardwork and take care of the patients 24/7 but than also they are not getting equal pay for their work than how will women’s be the part of the leadership. In this COVID-19 pandemic situation, there are many working women who stay at hospital leaving their child at home just to take care of the patients but than also women are underrepresentation as leaders in health. If women are getting the leadership men can’t take her success because of the ego due to which it leads to barriers in the women’s leadership. People need to understand that everyone should get a chance and equal opportunity, gender shouldn’t be the reason to not give an opportunity to that person instead their hardwork and talent should be the priority to give an opportunity to the person. Health care system need to give equal opportunities of leaderships in health to both men and women.