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In this COVID-19 pandemic situation many working women’s, mothers and housewives are going through lots of problems. Because of loosing job opportunities, leaving job for child, work from home has become difficult for mothers due to these problems working mothers has lost their jobs or have to quit their job. In this situation working mothers household work are more because their is no one to help them like maid due to which their workload of home has increased whereas work from home is going on and the workload of office has also increased because of pandemic situation. Working mothers are been more responsible for childcare than fathers. During this pandemic situation working mothers are doing double work household work plus working full-time for office work which makes more and more difficult for working mothers. All the responsibility has given to mothers instead both need to work together in household chores and cooking food that will help her to manage things and may be not taking decision of quitting job for family. More challenges are faced by single mothers during this pandemic situation because they has to do all the household chores and take care of child alone with having financial stability which is becoming difficult for her due to not getting an job opportunities. Many mothers are leaving their workforce during this COVID-19 pandemic situation because of childcare or any other reasons and sacrificing their career goals or dreams of their life. If both men and women will divide equal workload than may be women don’t need to sacrifice their career. And also, companies need to support working mothers to reduce their working hours and give them work within the working hours and they need to make sure that women should get equal opportunities and equal pay like men. In this situation, companies should not remove working mother instead they should give them one chance to manage the responsibilities.