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Shubhangini Shaktawat
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Female actresses should not use their femininity for promotion.
Female actresses should not use their femininity to promote themselves or their career, although men can use as much manliness and masculinity as they want. Is that the equality that our society has? Is that the gaze of the society towards our gender-discrimination based mindsets; absolutely not. Why should women suffer in every possible way the society wants them to, while men have all the fun and enjoyment in their plate?
Our society has a thing against women. It is clearly misogynistic to think that it is wrong for women to use their femininity for promotion. In fact, if a woman is already feminine, how is she exactly ‘using’ her femininity for promotion? She is feminine and she is working hard in order to get herself promoted in whichever aspect of life. It cannot be called ‘using’ her femininity.
A man is promoted on the basis of his hard work and skills and abilities in his career and in his life. Well, he can also be promoted in competitive fields when there are women standing in competition on the basis of being a man, but he definitely cannot be promoted on the basis of being a man alone. He works hard in his life and gets promoted. That cannot be called ‘using’ his manliness for promotion. The same way, we cannot say that women are ‘using’ their femininity for promotion.
Actresses in our film industry are actresses and actors are actors for a reason. There is a clear distinction between male and female celebrities. It is not called ‘using’ manliness or womanliness, although a woman is a woman and she has the right to her own body, so she shall do whatever she wants with it, even if she has to ‘use’ her femininity for promotion for that matter. The society or the people have no right to pass judgment on that and even if they do, women shall not lend them ears. People are used to talking about women and judging them.
A woman myself,
Shubhangini Shaktawat